This indicates natural growth that runs itself, in principle. To some extent, nature warrants the growth of our body, our brain, and our skills in many ways. Mother Nature, however, cannot entirely succeed by itself, at least not for the human mammal. Optimal growth requires sufficient possibilities to discover and practice, in a cherishing and supportive environment.
The main pedagogical question here is: will we stimulate or impede the natural growth?
Our pedagogical employees are trained to offer children a varying range of activities that fits age and developmental stage, every day. Through our ‘kindvolgsysteem’ we periodically and systematically monitor the growth of each child. We do not unnecessarily call children to order and do not impose unnecessary rules, in order for them to freely explore the world, to discover and practice. We focus on what can be tolerated instead of what may not, and offer alternatives. At Dikkedeur we say: ‘come, let’s do it this way or that’, instead of ‘no, that is not allowed’.